The First Kinect Accessories Available for You – Do Not Buy Kinect If You Do Not Check This Out!

Did you already pre ordered or ordered the new Xbox Kinect sensor without checking out all the Kinect accessories which you can buy? Take it slowly, here I will reveal the first accessories which you really should own or at least check them out to see how are they really useful for you, lets take a closer look at them.

We all know that the Kinect sensor will have to get placed near your TV or on TV or maybe on wall it really does not matter, what it matters is that it will work without any motion sensor difficulties, that is why I suggest you take a look at this first revealed Kinect accessories which are mostly helpful for placing your sensor device in the right position and where you wish.

Kinect Wall Mount

My favourite piece of accessory for the Kinect device. If you own a huge TV or plasma and have it placed near wall the wall mount will be perfect to place your kinect at. Imagine having the huge TV and up the Kinect device. It will work perfectly and even look good!

Kinect Stand Floor

If you do not have a wall to place your Kinect or a spot near your TV I suggest you take a look at the Kinect Stand Floor which you can place wherever you want, I suggest you place it near TV for movements to be tracked more perfectly.

TV Mount

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Another great accessory which is used for your TV and Kinect sensor. Both get placed on it and it looks and works really awesome. The price is the highest but still nothing you can not afford.

These are just the must have accessories which are available for order more are coming out very soon. That is why I suggest you if you did ordered new sensor device to stay tuned on the new accessories, the latest invention was the boat device for the Kinect Adventures, but still not available for order.

By Master