All over large cities, electricians can be found everywhere. Be it experienced and practiced professionals, or “do it yourselfers” making mistakes for the first time, there are a few tools that come in handy across the board. Here is a basic checklist for an electrician’s toolbox.
Channel Lock Pliers: This often overlooked tool is absolutely essential for adjusting expansion-type ceiling fan boxes, tightening connectors in the boxes, and, of course, taking knockouts out of the boxes. Most people don’t bother to get the right equipment for these tasks and the result is always the same: shoddy looking work.
Fish tape: Throw away that coat hanger or other MacGyver system you have for pulling wire through PVC or metal conduits. Fish tape is here to save the day. What Is A Feeder In Electrical It’s designed for the task and makes the job a breeze. Have a particularly tight squeeze? No worries, fish tape is perfectly compatible with cable lube.
Wire Strippers: There isn’t an electrical contractor in the US would be caught dead without one of these. They don’t try to fool you with the name on this one. This tool is used to strip the insulation off of wires.
Non-contact Voltage Detector: This is truly a modern marvel in a tiny package! Place the tracer next to the wire, breaker or whatever you wish to test, and you will be able to determine not only if voltage is present, but how much.
Side Cutter Diagonal Pliers (side snips): These are pliers designed to cut, with the sharp edge running all the way to the end of the pliers. This allows you co snip wires in spaces normally to tight to access. For a little extra cash you can even get one with live wire detection capabilities.
Linesman Pliers: Most electricians agree, just think “Swiss army pliers” and you’re on the right track. Between the handles is a grip perfect Electrical Troubleshooting Labs for pulling wires, the center is equipped with a wire-cutting blade, and the tip is squared off, which makes twisting wire together a cinch.
Wire Crimpers: A good pair of these separates the amateurs from the electrical contractors. Aside from crimping lugs onto wires, they can also strip wire in a pinch.
Aside from the tools listed above, there is a short list of tools that are less specific to electrical jobs, but handy none the less. This list includes an Allen wrench set, a flashlight, screwdrivers (both straight-slot and Phillips), a tape measure, a level, and a utility knife.
Properly equipped with the right tools for the job, you or any electrical contractor can serve clients well and hold a toolbox with pride.

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