For anyone considering a career as an electrician you’ve probably heard that an apprenticeship is required in order to get started. An apprentice is defined by Websters Dictionary as one who is learning by practical experience under skilled workers a trade, art or apprentice is the entry level position in most trades, including electrical.
There are several questions you may have, such as what an apprentice does, how much they make, how long the apprenticeship will last, how to become an apprentice, etc… Following is a list of the common electrical apprenticeship questions and answers.
What does an electrical apprentice do?
As an apprentice you’ll have a lot to do. You’re going to be learning the ins and outs of being an electrician from someone who’s been one for a number of years. Pulling wire, making connections, digging when necessary, bending/cutting/installing conduit where required and being the gofer.
You’ll be doing a lot of the grunt work because you’re the new guy and the licensed electrician(s) you work for have already gone through what you are.
Are electrician courses required as an apprentice?
Each state is different, but many areas require at least some classroom time. Electricity is dangerous to work with when you don’t know what you’re doing. Part of knowing what you’re doing is understanding electrical theory, which is typically taught in a classroom.
Electrical courses also cover things like reading blueprints and understanding of the National Electrical Code. These are all important things you’ll need to know to pass your electrician license exam as well.
How much do electrical apprentices make?
Location can play a big part in how much you can earn as an apprentice, like any other job. If we take a look at information from the National Bureau of Labor Statistics though, the lowest average annual income for electricians is roughly $28,000.
We look at the lowest average annual income because an apprentice is an entry level job. Once you earn your license your income will go up.
How do I become an electrical apprentice?
In order to work as an electrical apprentice you will have to work for a licensed electrical contractor. Many states also require Plumber Median Salary you to register as an apprentice and even enroll in an apprenticeship program to learn those skills we mentioned above.
As an electrical apprentice you’ll learn the skills you need to earn your journeyman electrician or master electrician license. You’ll put in a lot of time and energy as an apprentice, Town Council Electrician so be sure that you really want to be an electrician before you make such a commitment. If an electrician is what you really want to be, the apprenticeship will be well worth it.

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