Xbox Repair – How to Get Rid of the E71 Error

There are so many errors that users of the Xbox 360 gaming device have to cope with. Some of those errors are the red ring of death, the E74 error, the E48 error, E45 error and then the E71 error. This article is based on Xbox repair and would be informing you on how to get rid of the E71 error.

The E71 error along with the other errors are jointly called the red light errors because they often send red flashing lights (displayed around the power button) to the user of the console as an indication of their presence. They are all caused by nothing other than overheating.

The console is prone to getting hot fast because it lacks an efficient cooling system and this has made it quite impossible for the device to regulate temperature on its own. It often relies on external help to be able to stay cool on the inside but users do not know this so they often practice different things that make it impossible for the console to breathe well.

Getting rid of the E71 error can be done when you forward your console to Microsoft repair center. They would charge you about $140 if your device are no longer warranty and it usually takes them about five weeks to fix the console and send it back to you (whether your console is under warranty or not).

Another way of getting Xbox repair for the E71 error is by checking online and downloading a repair guide. The repair guide always contains instructions on how you should do the repair, video clips that you should watch and even customer support to ensure that you have no problems. The manual contains procedures of fixing the E71 error and other red light errors and you would be able to use it to fix the errors within one hour. This is just the way out

RELATED ARTICLE  How You Can Fix the Red Ring of Death

By Master