Xbox 360 Fix Guides – Fix My Xbox 360 in 1 Hour – Is it True?

Got problems with your Xbox 360? Want to get rid of the errors? There are 3 ways to do this. You either send your console to Microsoft, a Repair Shop or you actually repair it by yourself with the use of an Xbox 360 fix guide. Let’s get a closer look at the options.

Send my console over to Microsoft? Good, or bad?

This option might sound good, but it’s definitely not the best. When you do this, you will have to pay a large amount of money. Microsoft asks you $150 for repairing it for you. But that’s not everything yet! The waiting times are also really horrible. When you send your console to Microsoft, you’ll have to wait for 2-4 weeks before you can get your console back.

Send my console to a Repair Shop?

When you send it over to a Repair Shop, you will notice that it’s a little bit better then sending it over to Microsoft. When you do this, you will have to pay $75. Also, the waiting times are slightly better. You will have to wait at least 1 week and it could go up easily to 2 weeks.

Fix My Xbox 360… Myself? With a Fix Guide?!

This is actually the best option you’ve got. If you want a cheap and fast repair, you should repair it yourself. It’s highly recommended to use an Xbox 360 fix guide on this because it will take all the guess work away. When you repair the problems by yourself, you will be able to fix it within 1 day… Some people even did it within 1 hour!

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By Master