The average Canadian directly produces at least five tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions every year. That is over 10,000 pounds of gas emissions, electricity, wasted water and misplaced recyclables that are not only Local Electricians Yellow Pages contributing to global pollutions but also costing you money. By taking just a few small and practical steps, you can help save the planet by lessening the demand for fossil fuels and lessening your carbon footprint.
1. Cold Cycle Electrical Safety Topics Savings
When doing laundry, set your washing machine to use cold or warm water instead of hot. Washing your clothes in hot water can use up to 80% more energy than washing in cold, depending on the age of your washing machine. So turn the dial to cold for energy savings and clean clothes.
2. Turn It Down
Both your electric and natural gas bill will benefit from turning your settings down, and you will find that it is one of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Check your water heater temperature; most are set at 60A�C as a factory setting, but can safely be set at 49A�C. Install a programmable thermostat to get the most impact in your home. Set it to keep your home cool at night while you sleep and during the day while you are away from your home so your furnace isn’t working when it doesn’t have to.
3. Keep your Fridge Stocked
By keeping your fridge and freezer full, it won’t have to work as hard to stay cool when you are digging for a snack. Cold items in the appliance help to retain cold when the fridge door is open, allowing the cool air to recover more quickly once the door has been closed. If you find your fridge is too big and is often empty, fill containers with water to help fill some of the gaps. Make sure you leave enough room for air to circulate for optimal performance.
4. Invest in your light
Spend a little money and take some time to switch your lightbulbs from the traditional incandescent variety to energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs. They need to be changed far less (most last four years) and will pay for themselves in less than a year through your energy savings.
5. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Take inventory of how much you are buying and look for ways to cut back. Try to fix things when possible instead of throwing them out and replacing them. Buy in bulk on items you use commonly to reduce the amount of packaging you are throwing out. Purchase re-usable bags to transport your groceries in and prevent a plastic bag from entering the landfill. Check with your local municipality to see what all you can recycle in your town or city. Gone are the days where only paper and tin cans were recycled; our research community is finding creative ways to use everything from old tires and grass clippings to plastic bags and metal pop-tops. The less we use and the more we re-use, the less that needs to be produced in factories that account for a large percentage of Canada’s overall carbon footprint.
There are many steps and changes that you can take to help you save energy. Some will be easy, while others will require patience and possible investments. Start small by making changes such as these and you will see changes to your monthly expenses that may give you the push you need to do more for your home and the planet.

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