Start A New Job As An Electrician

Working as an electrician is one of the most rewarding jobs in any industry today. You can expect good pay, stability, flexibility of your own working hours, and more room for promotion depending on your skills and experience. If you are planning to start a new job as an electrician, the very first and most important thing you need is to have a good education.

Having a diploma or a certificate from excellent electrician training will surely advance you to finding an electrician job. There are plenty of schools and universities that offer electrician courses. If you decide to enroll in a school, you may need to finish at least four years of college education and meet the required amount of time for apprenticeship. Most electrician jobs usually require you to have an experience, which you can get out of apprenticeship. Generally, it should be around 144 hours of class room training and 8000 hours of apprenticeship. You will also need the same requirements upon getting a license to work.

However, if you cannot enroll in a school, you can get a quick training through online certification courses; military training programs, government sponsored programs, and sponsored training centers then earn a certificate to work. By the time you finish your course or training, you will have to earn a license. In the interest of safety and reliability, anyone who performs residential or commercial appliance installation and electrical system repair and maintenance should already have a license.

Here are the types of licenses which you can get Electricians Danger depending on the field that you want to work:

RELATED ARTICLE  Benefits of Hiring Licensed Electricians

Electrical apprentice

Electrical sign apprentice

Residential wireman

Maintenance electrician

Residential appliance installer

Electrician contractor

Electrical Sign Contractor

Journeymen Electrician

Journeymen Sign Industrial Electrician Training Electrician

Residential Appliance installation Contractor

Master Electrician

Once you get your license to work, you can start applying for any electrician job. You can apply directly to the job that fits your license to work or consider working in constructions, become a maintenance technician, work in a factory, or work with electrical motors. Create an excellent resume that will highlight your skills and experience and submit it to the company that you are aiming for. You can also submit a resume to multiple companies and increase your chances of getting hired.

Once you are in the job, your education may never stop. According to experts, you will learn a lot more things of being an electrician once you work on the job. Hence, continue to learn new things through experience, adjust to changes, expand your knowledge and be open to possibilities of getting promoted.

By Master