A kitchen rangehood is a type of fan that has an enclosure to capture, exhaust and filter heat, bad odours, gases, airborne grease, steam, smoke and other forms of combustion and contamination from the air. It functions the same way as bathroom or warehouse exhaust fans, air conditioner or any other ventilation products. Its most important component is the internal fan which captures air combustion or contamination over the cooking surface and then vent them outside the kitchen.
One reason why it was in my cousin’s kitchen is that the room has no windows to let out steam and odour. It was also impossible for him to install a conventional exhaust fan as there would be no more space for the cabinets and moreover, it does not serve the room’s aesthetics. In such situations as this, a rangehood would come as a functional and aesthetical piece in a kitchen with no windows or ventilation.
Why should you need one? Well, you would not install it if your kitchen has enough windows or ventilation, right? You can just open the windows and let the odour, heat, smoke and steam out while you are cooking, but what if the rooms has no windows or ventilation? Could you stand the thick column of smoke, the intense foul odour, the steam and the extreme heat inside a room with no ventilation? Would you allow yourself to suffocate and lose breath?
For that, you would need to install a rangehood. If the bad kitchen atmosphere is making you sick, a rangehood can help provide clean quality indoor air. By filtering and exhausting the air, it does not only clean the air and protect your health but also prevent structural damage in the kitchen.
There are many styles and designs of rangehoods available. You should select the right rangehood according to function, form and performance. Many models can differ in this matter.
The rangehood in my cousin’s kitchen does not only have an internal fan but also task lighting functions. Elsewhere, some models Electrical Power Tools List could have switches and some are remote control function. There are even brands that come with timers, humidistat and heater.
Most brands and models also differ in design, and this is an important factor in performance. Consider the following:
• Width – Your desired rangehood should be as wide as your cooking range. They should match.
• Height – It should be mounted at the recommended height above your cooking range.
• Installation – Choose the brand or model that allows easy installation without having to create major renovation in the kitchen.
Lastly, performance: The performance of your desired rangehood should come compatible with your cooking range’s ventilation rate and also the type and frequency of your cooking. For this, you should purchase the brand or model with the internal fan that can extract and exhaust any degree of heat, smoke, steam or any contaminants which will result from your level of cooking, and the duct with the right width, length and number of bends to properly exhaust contaminants out of the kitchen.
Once you have determined the right kitchen cooking range, not only should you call your remodeler but also your electrician.
Your electrician will be the one responsible to make the Electrical Wire Types Chart electrical arrangements in installing your rangehood.

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By Master