3 Red Lights Are Blinking on the Power Button of My Xbox 360 – How Do I Fix It? Find Out Now!

If you found your way to this article because you have turned on your Xbox 360 console and you see 3 red lights flashing on the power button then as you’ve probably guessed it indicates a problem.

This article will tell you more about the problem, what causes it and give you some advice on getting it fixed fast.

The problem is actually a hardware failure meaning that some of the components on the motherboard have stopped working properly and your console can not continue to run without them!

The actual components are called the GPU and the CPU and although this sounds quite technical it really is not that hard to understand.

The GPU or the graphical processing unit basically deals with all the processing to do with graphics on your console. The more graphical advanced the game, the harder this chip us to work to display the game properly on the screen.

The CPU or central processing unit is basically the number cruncher. You need this chip working and it will be the heart of your console.

So you can see why this is a problem.

So how can you get both of these chips running again quickly?

Well you can send the console for repairs and Microsoft will resolder the motherboard and repair it for you, the only problem with this is that it can take quite a long time to be fixed with most repairs taking up to six weeks!

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The good news is that you can repair it yourself and to do this you will need a good Xbox 360 repair guide which basically shows you how to stop the heat build up and therefore the chip failure, using simple household items.

It may sound like rocket science but it really isn’t, and most repairs can be completed within an hour!

If you are going to try this make sure you get a guide with a complete step by step video and also a money back guarantee and then you cannot go wrong!

I hope this article has told you a bit more about the 3 red lights and that you get it fixed soon!

By Master