Energy Saving tips to save money that you can start today!
So we have all heard about global warming and if you believe it or not changing to energy efficient appliances and following a few of these tips below will help the environment and reduce your electricity usage which means money saved. Have a good look over these tips, most you may already know and I’m sure a few you don’t or simply have forgotten.
Tip 1: Make sure to set your air conditioner to 24 degrees Celsius, this is said to be the optimum temperature for energy saving.
Tip 2: Make use of awnings and blinds to reduce sunlight penetrating the home in summer, heavy curtains also help reduce the amount of heat entering the home in summer and also help retain heat in winter. Another option is too get your windows tinted.
Tip 3: If your still suing an electric hot water system turn the thermostat down to 50 or 55 degree Celsius, its most likely on default at over 65 degree Celsius or perhaps higher from a previous owner of the house. This will also prevent scalding particularly if you have young children.
Tip 4: Make use of any government incentives for energy efficient lighting, or invest in CFL or LED lighting for inside and outside the home. Make use of outdoor lighting that operates via a sensor, this not only is good saving electricity it’s also great for security and safety. Lighting generates approximately 5% of your household greenhouse gas emissions.
Tip 5: Keep your light fittings clean, this will improve light output and help reduce heat build up extending the lights lifespan.
Tip 6: Make use of government incentives and rebates on water tanks, water saving showerheads and dual flush toilets, keep your showers around 4 minutes also.
Tip 7: Use only cold water in your washing machine and only wash full loads.
Tip 8: Install a grey water recycling system, what is does is collects the spent water from the shower, hand basins, washing machine and dishwasher which you can then reuse for water the garden and lawn etc.
Tip 9: Clean your air condition filtration regularly as per manufacturers guidelines.
Tip 10: IF you have a chimney, make sure you close the vent when it’s not in use, or use a chimney block as this will prevent hot air entering the home.
Tip 11: Turn of lights when you are finished in the room/ when leaving the room. Easy habit to get started.
Tip 12: Turn off appliances in standby and when you have finished using them. Standby appliances consume approximately 5-10% of your electricity bill.
Tip 13: Make use of government incentives and rebates for insulating your ceiling, walls and floors. An average home can lose up to 30% heat from the ceiling and 15-20% through walls and floors.
Tip 14: Use a gas cooktop as its generally cheaper to run then electricity and less harmful to the environment.
Tip 15: Use the kettle to boil water rather than a pot on the cooktop, and also only boil the amount of water needed, any more and its just wasting energy.
Tip 16: Keep your refrigerator and freezer clean and tidy inside and out ( frost build up), make sure there adequate space top, back and sides so it can expel excess heat. The rear of these appliances can become dusty, simply unplug the appliance and use a vacuum cleaner and a soft paintbrush if it makes it easy to clean away the dust. Make sure your refrigerator is set to 3-4 degree Celsius any less is wasting energy and damaging your produce and any more will spoil your food. Freezer should be set too -16 degree Celsius.
Tip 17: Use the sun to dry your clothes, if your living arrangement doesn’t permit a clothes line then spin dry your clothes as normal and try hang them up on a rack and finish them off with the clothes dryer. Clothes dryers generate approximately 3 kilograms of greenhouse gases per load.
Tip 18: Fix any plumbing leaks, a single dripping tap can waste up to 1000 litres per month, this will reduce excess water bills and if its hot water leaking reduce electricity also.
Tip 19: Only wash full loads in your dishwasher, keep your dishwashers filter clean as per manufacturers guidelines and Electrical Maintenance Book if your house is using solar hot water make sure your dishwasher is using this instead of heating its own its own.
Tip 20: Put a timing function on your pool pump so it operates for the least amount of time possible and make sure you have it set onto the off peak electricity tariff.
Tip 21: When going away for a week end or even not using your central heating and cooling for an extended period turn it off at the outside isolator switch, a little known fact is these units can use around 150 watts of standby power.
Tip 22: Lastly invest in an energy monitor, you may be surprised at what is using power and how much its using, make use of the current incentives and rebates from government and local councils regarding this device. Install it in a high traffic area like the kitchen so everyone can visible see how much energy the house is currently using.
Thanks very much for looking over these tips and I do hope they help save you money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Also remember any electrical work should always be carried out by a skilled and licensed electrician, make sure you contact a domestic electrician for any electrical work around the home and a commercial electrician for electrical services in the workplace etc. If you have other amazing methods on saving energy I may have missed please post it below
Fraser Electrical Installation Level 2

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